Cragside rhododendrons are blooming lovely

The rhododendrons at National Trust Cragside.The rhododendrons at National Trust Cragside.
The rhododendrons at National Trust Cragside.
The rhododendrons at National Trust Cragside, near Rothbury, have flowered, transforming the estate with an explosion of colour.

The display is best to see at the start of June, with the flowers looking their best only for a couple of weeks.

The impressive show of rhododendrons is complemented by bursts of vivid yellow and bright orange azaleas dotted around the estate.

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The rhododendrons brighten up the grounds with delicate white, purple and pink flowers, which stand out dramatically against Lord Armstrong’s coniferous landscape.

The best way to see the rhododendrons is by taking the historic Carriage Drive, and experience the magnificent display as Lord Armstrong’s guests would have done.

Discover the magical rhododendron labyrinth too, as it comes to life during this time of year.

This year there is also a trail running through the main part of the estate, which will lead to you the best rhododendron spots on foot.

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Head gardener Rachel Ryvar said: “Cragside comes to life during rhododendron season. The bursts of bold purple and red flowers complement an already magnificent landscape.

“The new addition to Cragside this year is a rhododendron trail, which is ideal for those who might like to find out more about these flowers. For those who prefer to travel by car, follow the Carriage Drive to see more rhododendrons on the wider estate. One of my favourite spots is by Nelly’s Moss lakes, as you can see the reflection of the flowers on the water.”

Entry to Cragside is free for National Trust members, however normal admission charges apply for non-members. The rhododendron trail is free of charge.

Cragside is open seven days a week. For more information, visit or ring 01669 620333.