Global togetherness on show

Donald Trump ( Jacob Whenray age 3) and some of his Mexican friends.
Global studies: Pupils and staff at Amble Links First School enjoyed a Round The World Day where they dressed up in costumes from a variety of countries and in the process raised funds for charity. The event was part of an on-going fundraising campaign for a school in Tanzania through the charity EdUKaid.
 Picture by Jane Coltman
 Picture by Jane ColtmanDonald Trump ( Jacob Whenray age 3) and some of his Mexican friends.
Global studies: Pupils and staff at Amble Links First School enjoyed a Round The World Day where they dressed up in costumes from a variety of countries and in the process raised funds for charity. The event was part of an on-going fundraising campaign for a school in Tanzania through the charity EdUKaid.
 Picture by Jane Coltman
 Picture by Jane Coltman
Donald Trump ( Jacob Whenray age 3) and some of his Mexican friends. Global studies: Pupils and staff at Amble Links First School enjoyed a Round The World Day where they dressed up in costumes from a variety of countries and in the process raised funds for charity. The event was part of an on-going fundraising campaign for a school in Tanzania through the charity EdUKaid. Picture by Jane Coltman Picture by Jane Coltman
Pupils and staff at Amble Links First School enjoyed a Round The World Day where they dressed up in costumes from a variety of countries.

The event was part of an ongoing fund-raising campaign for a school in Tanzania through the charity EdUKaid.

Gazette photographer Jane Coltman was there and you can see a slideshow with more pictures on our website.