Glowing report for care home which is rated as outstanding

Residents, staff and volunteers at Elpha Lodge celebrate their CQC success. Picture by Jane ColtmanResidents, staff and volunteers at Elpha Lodge celebrate their CQC success. Picture by Jane Coltman
Residents, staff and volunteers at Elpha Lodge celebrate their CQC success. Picture by Jane Coltman
A residential care home in north Northumberland has been rated outstanding by inspectors.

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) recently published the glowing report for Elpha Lodge, in South Broomhill, following an inspection last year.

Rated outstanding overall, the premises was deemed outstanding in the categories of effective, caring, responsive and well led. It was rated good for safety.

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Residents, staff and volunteers at Elpha Lodge celebrate their CQC success. Picture by Jane ColtmanResidents, staff and volunteers at Elpha Lodge celebrate their CQC success. Picture by Jane Coltman
Residents, staff and volunteers at Elpha Lodge celebrate their CQC success. Picture by Jane Coltman

Registered manager Nicola Bell said: “We are absolutely delighted with the inspection report. The staff, the residents and their families are all over the moon. The report gives incredibly good feedback for my team and is a very well deserved pat on the back.”

Elpha Lodge provides accommodation for up to 24 people. The service specialises in caring for people who have acquired brain injuries or degenerative diseases, and who, as a result, require assistance with personal care.

The report praises the staff, saying the team ‘went over and above the expectations for residential care homes in order to ensure people had equity of access to healthcare’ and the staff were ‘exceptionally caring’ and had formed ‘strong therapeutic bonds’ with the residents and their families.

Inspectors found that the service was ‘making a difference to people’s wellbeing’ and its ‘visions and values promoted people’s rights to make choices and live a dignified and fulfilled life.’

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Residents, staff and volunteers at Elpha Lodge celebrate their CQC success. Picture by Jane ColtmanResidents, staff and volunteers at Elpha Lodge celebrate their CQC success. Picture by Jane Coltman
Residents, staff and volunteers at Elpha Lodge celebrate their CQC success. Picture by Jane Coltman

The report added: ‘People told us that if not for the care and support their relatives had received they believed they would not still be around. Also we heard how the skilled interventions of staff had enabled people to improve their quality of life.’

It was also found that staff safely managed medications, people’s care needs were risk assessed with risk management plans in place and support for staff when they needed it, staff had an understanding of safeguarding and the service had emergency plans in place and took action when they became aware someone was at risk.

Mrs Bell was also praised, with inspectors saying that she ‘provided strong leadership and constantly critically reviewed the service’. The report added that it was ensured that staff ‘remained at the forefront of best practice when working with the people who used the service’.

Mrs Bell added: “We are always looking for opportunities for our residents to be a part of activities and we are recruiting volunteers to the service who can help offer our residents more opportunities and activities.

“We would also like to hear from any entertainers who feel they can offer opportunities for our residents.”

She also thanked The Rotary Club of Amble and Warkworth for its continued support.