Items taken in spate of thefts from vehicles in Northumberland

Latest from Northumbria Police.Latest from Northumbria Police.
Latest from Northumbria Police.
Police are advising motorists to remove valuables when they park after a spate of thefts from vehicles at a number of popular Northumberland locations.

The thefts all happened on Saturday, with vehicles targeted in Embleton, Bamburgh, and Lesbury. Officers have now stepped up patrols in these areas to reassure people and try to prevent further crime.

The incident in Embleton occurred between 1pm and 4.30pm at Dunstanburgh Castle Golf Club car park. The offenders smashed the front nearside window and stole a bag from the passenger footwell.

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The second theft happened between 3.26pm and 3.45pm from a car parked on Links Road in Bamburgh. The rear nearside window was smashed and two handbags and a backpack containing a purse, credit cards, cash and mobile phone were stolen. Three men were seen to leave the area after the incident in what is believed to be a green car.

The third offence happened at 11.55pm from a car parked on Lesbury Road, Lesbury, when thieves again smashed a window to gain entry. Three men were also seen to make off in a green-coloured vehicle. At this time it is not known what was stolen from this vehicle.

Now police are reminding people to remove valuables when they park to prevent opportunist thefts.

Neighbourhood Sergeant Sharon Wilmore-Greaves said: “Unfortunately opportune and out-of-area criminals target car parks around the area looking to steal property left on show from parked cars. If they see valuables left inside a car they’ll try the door handle, if it’s locked they’ll smash a window to get inside to steal.

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“This means motorists are left having to literally pick up the pieces, get their vehicle repaired as well as replacing the stolen item, which makes it infuriating, inconvenient and expensive.

“We want people to come to Northumberland and enjoy the countryside and its attractions without being concerned about crime. So we’re reminding drivers to remove all valuables when they park, or to keep them out of sight in a locked boot.”

Officers are appealing for witnesses and if anyone has any information about these recent crimes or has information about the three men seen or the green car, please contact officers on 101 quoting reference 944 25/06/16.

People are also asked to call 101 to report suspicious activity around parked cars.

Residents are also encouraged to register valuables on the free immobilise website, then if property is stolen and subsequently recovered by police it can be reunited with its rightful owners.