Kay sets her sights on a top beauty award

Kay Harding and Kate Harding outside Beauty Queen in Amble.Kay Harding and Kate Harding outside Beauty Queen in Amble.
Kay Harding and Kate Harding outside Beauty Queen in Amble.
Beauty salon owner Kay Harding is in the running for a prestigious award.

She is a finalist in the annual English Hair and Beauty Awards.

Kay, who owns Beauty Queen, in Queen Street, Amble, has been nomimated by her clients for the Independent Beautician of the Year category for the North East, North West and Yorkshire.

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There are 10 finalists in each category, with the awards held at the Mercure Manchester Piccadilly Hotel on Sunday, March 10.

Last year, she was a finalist in the Lash Extensions Specialist category.

Kay, a fully qualified beautician, opened the salon two years ago.

She moved into the Queen Street premises after running her former business, The Beauty Lounge, out of Destiny Hair in Amble.

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Business was going so well, she needed to expand and hasn’t looked back.

She even took on an apprentice, Kate Harding, in September.

Other English Hair and Beauty Awards finalists include Spa of the Year, The Secret Spa at Village Farm, Shilbottle; and Hair Salon of the Year, North East, Trimmers in Alnwick.

The annual awards provide a platform for professionals and businesses to showcase their work and talent and be recognised for the top-class services they provide to their clients.

A spokesman said: “We are delighted by the overwhelming response we have had from the English public, with a record of over 40,000 nominations received.

“The competition gets tougher each year as the breadth of talent and professionalism that flow in this country show no sign of shying away.

“We would like to congratulate all finalists.”

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